Oh the Places You'll Go!

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”  Dr. Seuss

I was in the bookstore the other day looking for books for my 18-month-old granddaughter when I ran across the book “Oh the Places You’ll Go” by Dr. Seuss. I remember seeing the book when it was released but my kids were older and I didn’t bother to read it at that time. Well, I picked up the book and began reading and found myself reading one of the most motivating books I’ve read in a long time. A children’s book of all things!

If you are 50Something, you can learn much from this simple little book because it encourages you to make a move, get up and go instead of accepting the harsh realities of being 50Something in an economy that is steadily trying to exclude us from participation.

Are you being excluded? I hope not. I hope that you haven’t accepted your current plight and given up on choosing a new direction for your life. Whether you have currently been laid off, forced into retirement before you were financially ready, or just sick and tired of a boring career that brings you no satisfaction and lately not enough money to live the life you want to live, take this advice: Get a Plan B, C and D if necessary. Think “what’s my next step?” and then take it!

“So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life's A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you'll move mountains.” 

Of course stepping out may not be easy. It will take boldness and determination. But remember, you’re 50Something. You have years of experience and success behind you. You know what you are capable of doing. A little fear is fine so go ahead and take those steps towards what you have always wanted to do.

Here is a short list of women who after 50Something used their head and their feet, set their direction and decided where they would go. And boy did they get there!

Laura Ingalls Wilder, creator of Little House on the Prairie book series began writing the series at age 65.
Anna Mary Robertson Moses (Grandma Moses) began her painting career at age76 after her arthritis kept her from pursuing her first love of needlepoint.
Golda Meir became the Prime Minister of Israel at age 70.
Julia Child wrote her first cookbook at 49 and then made her television debut at age 51.
Dr. Hawa Abdi was awarded the Nobel Prize for her work in gynecology at age 65.
Sister Marion Irvine qualified for the Olympic marathon at age 54.
Franny Martin created Cookies on Call after a 30-year corporate marketing career with McDonald’s and Dominoes Pizza... She stepped out on her own at age 56.
Jill Boehler founded Chilly Jilly a wrap and scarf company at age 58.
Faloranso Alakija became the richest woman of color in the world at age 61. The Nigerian born entrepreneur is estimated to be worth 3.2 billion dollars.
Bridget Rahebe became the first female owner of a mining company at age 53.

There is nothing keeping any of us from achieving our wildest dreams. We just have to get up and GO! Think about the places you can go if you put your mind to it. Remember these women who did not let being 50Something hinder them from living extraordinary lives.

"You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so...get on your way!"

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this is inspiring. Some of these women I have never heard of, but others I have admired from afar. However, I had no idea they did not get started until their 50s. At a time where so many of us are being forced out of jobs or shunned when we apply for employment, rather than our wisdom appreciated, it is encouraging to know it is never too late to excel in life. Thanks for this post!
