Don’t Get Mad. Get Busy!

I’m mad. Actually totally ticked off. No I haven’t been mistreated or done wrong. I am mad at myself for not accomplishing the goals I established for myself in 2013. There’s no real excuse, just baseless reasons for not putting my best foot forward every single day. Even if all I plan to do in a given day is rest and renew my mind and body at least do that excellently.

There are times when we all have our hands in so many things and are so scattered that we accomplish very little and are of little help to anyone who is depending on us.

So how do we get to a place of productivity and accomplishment?

Barbara Hannah Grufferman, author of “The Best of Everything after 50”, offers a fascinating solution, especially for women who are 50Something. She suggests that we create our own Board of Directors of friends and business associates who can hold us accountable to accomplish tasks that we have identified as important to us. She calls it her Kitchen Table and meets regularly with her group to discuss results and challenges of goals whether business-related or personal.
Accountability groups or whatever you want to call them are great ideas for new retirees who want to learn a new skill or take up a new hobby, or those over 50 who are unemployed and want to start a new venture or change careers.

Lindsay Agness, author of “Still 25 Inside”, also suggests that if you want to see your goals come to fruition, find yourself a partner who will help you set clear and concise goals. Here are her simple steps: (1) Write out what you want to accomplishment in the present tense. For example, if your goal is to have your own business, your goal might state, It is December 2014 and I have a thriving floral shop; (2) Test the clarity of your goals by having your partner ask you questions regarding what you want specifically, why you want to achieve your goal, where you are in relationship to your goal and the date of completion, how you will feel when you accomplish your goal, and finally what will you gain when you achieve your goal (lifestyle, reliable car, etc.). Completing this exercise should make it more clear what it is you want to do and how you will get it done.

Do you think these two suggestions can help you when you feel frustrated and unproductive? I do. I started off this conversation feeling upset with my lack of accomplishment. I now have some tools to use to keep moving forward and achieving the list of goals I have for myself and my team of business partners. I have my accountability group in place, a personal mentor and I’m looking to the future to some very awesome goals being realized!

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