Introducing Kathy A. Gibson, President and Owner Inc.

PASSION! That’s the one word I would use to describe Kathy Gibson. I should know since she is my sister (a young 53-year-old wife, mother of two amazing children and one of the most successful entrepreneurial women I know). I thought for my first interview on this amazing site, I would talk with my own sister. I learned so much about her and her road to success.

Just a little background. Kathy Gibson is a graduate of University of Southern California (USC) where she majored in marketing and was one of the most talented basketball players to hit the USC court. I often tell her if they had had the WNBA when she was playing, she would have definitely been recruited. She excelled in sports at an early age and between track and basketball she was a phenomenon to be reckoned with. She was inducted into the Hall of Fame for our high school and still holds records in the state of California for track. So, she is a competitor, she is disciplined and she thrives for success. Kathy is married to Dr. Mitchell Gibson (her partner in love and business), mother to Michael (a recent college graduate from University of North Carolina) and Tiffany (a sophomore to Florida A&M).

After 22 years in corporate marketing and sales, Kathy and Mitchell stepped out and founded Inc. and she has never looked back. Kathy’s mission with is to help people find health, harmony in relationships and prosperity in their life. This is her special message to women 50Something!

Here is Kathy’s Story.

Dr. Gibson came from a background in psychiatry where he worked with people with many types of mental illness. Because of his spiritual background, he created a healing prayer and recorded it for his patients. The Miracle Prayer was sold off of his shelf in his practice and he began noticing a remarkable change in his patients who listened to the recording. When Dr. Gibson and Kathy married, Kathy began helping him market the prayer recording utilizing her many years in marketing and sales to catapult the Miracle Prayer off the shelves and onto the global reach of the internet.

Kathy saw the internet as the way to start marketing the prayer and books written by Mitchell. She says she knew immediately that the internet (during the years of the beginnings of the dot com craze) was the hottest thing going and knew it could replace the traditional marketing she had been used too. Kathy began educating herself on internet marketing and began using Google words and shopping carts to get products to the public. In the early 2000s, they founded and began a massive marketing effort to get the Miracle Prayer into the global marketplace. They saw the prayer as a way for people to get better quicker and have a better life than they were living. is now a successful company marketing over 400 spiritual products to a very distinct market that grows 25% or more each year.  

So how did Kathy do it? How did she take a 22 year career in corporate marketing and turn it into a mega-successful business for herself and her family? Kathy says three things helped her reach the success she now has: Experience, Openness to learning new things, and most of all – PASSION.

Kathy encourages women 50Something or older to take the maturity and experience of 20 or 30 years and find a way to turn it into personal success. She says don’t be afraid to learn new stuff because if women are not keeping up with technology and trends, they will quickly find that their venture won’t be as successful as it could have been had they been open to learning and improving. Kathy wasn’t afraid. She took the new technology, learned through trial and error and now she is an expert in internet marketing and sales. She combined her experiences to create a lifestyle that most people dream about.

Now when it comes to PASSION, Kathy herself gets passionate just referring to it. She says women 50Something should find something that they are passionate about and then make a decision to change their lives. Kathy says “Knowledge is not enough. It’s not powerful on its own. You must have knowledge and passion in order to take action and see success in your life”.

She encourages women 50Something to find that core thing that will make them get up and be motivated to achieve personally and professionally. “It’s not always money driven. It’s about putting yourself in a position to have a fulfilling life. It’s hard to put yourself first if you have nothing to be passionate about!”

Kathy encourages women to take time to figure out where they are headed in their 50s and beyond. Maybe it’s retirement. If so, Kathy says women should make sure they are financially set to retire or they will find themselves having to return to the workplace working for a less experienced, less educated and less mature person. Maybe it’s downsizing. Kathy asks, will women be prepared to seek something new and different that will stretch them beyond their comfort level? It’s a choice and women have to be open to making the right choice.

Where ever in life, Kathy recommends that women 50Something take the time to meditate and go within themselves to discover the next chapter. She says, “Start sitting quietly with yourself and saying what it is that will make you happy. Take the time to ask yourself what do I want to do?”

Just as Kathy worked to get the Miracle Prayer from the shelves of her husband’s practice to a thriving global business (along with about 400 products and books), she believes women in their 50’s and older can experience the same success – whatever the journey. Kathy says stay passionate - seek health, harmony and prosperity - Make good choices - and be the best you can be!

Kathy Gibson –

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